Creating a new parser

Browsing through the directory and miseq parsers is the easiest way to get a feel for what is needed in a new parser, but below are explanations and information on what the hard requirements are.

Create required files

Start by creating a new folder in parser/, for example my-parser

in parser/my-parser create your main python parser file

Create a in parser/my-parser with the line:

from import Parser

This is so the parser will be able to be grabbed by the parser module.

Required functions for

get_required_file_list() :

Returns a list of files that are required for a run directory to be considered valid.

For example, the miseq parser returns the following list, as the run cannot be uploaded without these files.

['SampleSheet.csv', 'CompletedJobInfo.xml']

find_runs(directory) :

Given a directory, returns a list of DirectoryStatus objects for each directory in it.

This function should make use of progress.get_directory_status(...) to generate the DirectoryStatus objects.

This function should raise exceptions.DirectoryError if the directory is inaccessible.

find_single_run(directory) :

Finds a run in the given directory. Returns a single DirectoryStatus object.

This function should raise exceptions.DirectoryError if the directory is inaccessible.

get_sample_sheet(directory) :

Given a Directory, returns the path to the sample sheet or equivalent file.

This function should raise exceptions.DirectoryError when a directory is inaccessible, or if the sample sheet file is missing.

get_sequencing_run(sample_sheet) :

Given the sample_sheet path, from the get_sample_sheet function, Creates a SequencingRun object with correct structure. See Object Model Documentation

This function should make use of exceptions.ValidationError when errors occur so the user can be informed of problems with their sample sheet / samples.

ValidationError includes a ValidationResult object that can hold multiple errors. Include all errors encountered during parsing and building of the sequence run to give the user as much information as possible.

Allow project to be grabbed by the uploader

Edit the file parser/

Edit the line

from . import directory, miseq

and add your new parser

from . import directory, miseq, my-parser

in the factory(parser_type) method, add your new parser to the if statements.

Now your parser will be able to be used when selected from the config file.